Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Exam Essay for Public Administration

Exam Essay for Public Administration What ideas does the reading of Mayo's Hawthorne study contain for securing worker cooperation with management in achieving organizational goals in the case of “American Ground”? Or is it largely irrelevant to coping with the problems presented by this case? If so, why? If not, why not?OverviewOn September 11, 2001 two jet airliners driven by terrorists crashed into the World Trade Center (WTC) buildings. Shortly after these aircraft slammed into the TWC; both buildings collapsed, killing over 3000 Americans and trapping several thousand dead corpses in the rubble. Langewieschies case study focuses on the cleanup efforts and how the different parties involved interact with each other. The players include Mayor Giuliani, the DDCs, Kenneth Holden and Michael Burton, Tony Coles, New York cities police, firemen, medical examiner, construction crews, and the victims families of WTC terrorist attack. Early in the recovery effort it became apparent that all the aforementioned parties had their own views on how the cleanup and handling of human remains should proceed.English: New York Air National Guard Maj. James T....Mayor Giuliani recommended that the cleanup be quick and cost effective. The surviving family members were not satisfied with how the mayor and his designated representatives went about the business of recovering the remains of their fallen family members.A little over a month after the towers had collapsed, fighting erupted at the World Trade Center (WTC) site. Firemen attacked Police when a firefighter demonstration went askew and became violent. The Firemen were marching on the WTC cleanup site after being banned from having full access to search for their fallen coworkers. Several arrests were made by Police at the scene and charges were filed initially. There were ironworkers there protesting along with the Firemen but it is still unclear if they even knew what they were protesting. Rudy Giuliani wanted the ironworkers identified and...

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